Team Detail

Get to Know: Lacrosse's #27 Drew Neff

Drew Neff has been a program member since freshman year and is in his second season on the varsity team. He has two older sisters. He is undecided on his college choice but is considering the University of Denver and Gonzaga. He is a Big Brother, a member of NHS, and runs the Off-Roading Club.
What do you enjoy the most about playing for Brophy lacrosse?
“Honestly, hanging out with the guys at practice or on campus is my favorite thing. The overall camaraderie of the team is always a good time.”
What do you bring to the team?
“I try to bring energy whenever I can and understand my role on the team. I have been trying to find my role and a big part of it is being a big bench guy. When I do step on the field, the standard does not change. I am playing more than I did last year. But I am trying to keep the standard and the expectations are high.”
Drew or Andrew?
“I go by Drew more at Brophy. They changed it on my official documents. But everyone calls me Neff. When I hear Drew or Andrew, it is weird.”
What have you learned from your sisters?
“I have learned compassion and love. Having them as a resource is nice. Sometimes there are things I want to talk to my family about that I might not talk to my parents about. They are older than me but it does not feel like a big difference because we are so close. They are there for support.”
What are your goals for the rest of the season?
“I want to keep buying in and working hard. The team goal is to win a state championship at the end of the day. Taking little steps while loving the grind and the process. We want to try to have fun and we are playing a game we all love.”
What is a fun fact about you?
“I love horseback riding. It has been a pretty important thing to me and the lifestyle and culture. It ties into Brophy being a Man for Others, family first, sacrificing for those you love, and being a leader. Those are all things I identify with and cowboying. It embodies a lot of traits that tie in with my faith and I think it is a sick way to live.”
What did you take away from your Immersion trip to Peru?
“The biggest thing I took away from the trip was regarding wealth. Before the trip, I thought wealth was money, cars, and big houses. I learned wealth is more about relationships, love, self-sacrifice, and service. That definition of wealth is not shared by a lot of people. Having that experience of spending time with those people and being in that country and seeing the poverty was eye-opening. They are some of the poorest people I have met but some of the happiest I have ever met. It shows money is not happiness.”

If you could live in a book, TV show, or movie, where would you live: Psych.
What animal best represents you: Coyote. 
What is your greatest achievement(s): Being at Brophy and doing leadership.
If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future: Past.
What teacher has inspired you the most: Mr. Chotalla. 
What is your favorite holiday: Fourth of July. 
If you won the lottery, what would you buy: Land.
What’s your favorite dinner: Steak.
Name the celebrity you would like to meet: Kevin Costner. 
Who is your hero: 
My Dad.
What is on your Bucket List: Ride a Bull. 

List of 20 news stories.
