Brick Sales Close Friday, May 3!
Brick sales are open for Brophy’s Brick Walk! Originally commemorating the campaigns over the last two decades that financed new buildings and resulted in the expansive campus we have today, the Brick Walk is now a way for new and recent graduates to also leave their mark as a Bronco.
The Brick Walk runs through the area bounded by the Innovation Commons, The Dutch, Graham Plaza and Harper Great Hall. One of the busiest areas of campus, it includes many alumni bricks from earlier years. Add your name, as well!
The cost of an alumni brick is $200 and includes one name with a grad year. Please use the online order form on this page. If you prefer to mail a check, please send it to Tiffany Kell in the President's Office to the address below and be sure to include the first and last name of the student (as you want it printed on the brick), as well as his graduating year.
Brophy College Preparatory
4701 N. Central Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Attention: Ms. Tiffany Kell
An alumni brick is a wonderful graduation or birthday gift to celebrate your senior or recent graduate!