Welcome to the Innovation Commons

Part of a Jesuit education is a mandate to explore all frontiers, including those of science and technology. With this in mind, Brophy created the Innovations Commons, an 11,500-square-foot maker space that allows students to integrate ingenuity and entrepreneurship with the latest technology. Formerly the Information Commons, the retrofitted facility now houses multiple project spaces including a coding lab; a fabrication studio featuring 3-D printers, laser cutters, CNC routers and other equipment; a computing workshop with an emphasis on robotics; and an audio-visual studio.

Brophy requires all freshmen to take "Introduction to Innovative Technologies." This course is an introduction and invitation to the "maker" mentality of imagining, building and creatively solving problems. Students are exposed to CAD design fundamentals, coding and circuitry. For upperclassmen, an honors elective called "Advanced Innovative Technologies" is available that challenges students to dig deeper into design, fabrication, coding and partnering with outside organizations and communities to create projects that serve the common good. Students work on approved projects for academic credit and present their work publicly at the end of the semester. Additional technology electives include Computer Coding and Honors and AP Computer Science.

The technology curriculum is project-oriented and student-driven. Instructors facilitate the classes, but students are encouraged to do the problem solving as they immerse themselves in hands-on learning of new technologies. In the Jesuit tradition (which includes many scientists, past and present) Brophy seeks to ensure students have the opportunity to be on the forefront of technology learning as the Innovation Commons continues to evolve.

Kevin Elinski

Director of Innovative Technologies

Originally from Wisconsin, Mr. Elinski moved to Arizona in 2007 to develop an engineering program at Wickenburg High School, a program that became one of the sources of ideas and inspiration when Brophy developed the Innovation Commons. Subsequently joining Brophy's faculty as director of innovative technologies, Mr. Elinski brings this experience with him. He earned a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering and an MBA, both from Marquette University. He teaches Introduction to Innovative Technologies and Introduction to Engineering.

Classroom: Innovation Commons || kelinski@brophyprep.org