Phoenix: Born of Ashes – Indigenous Rights

Issues/Discussion Points

☼ Land acknowledgment and restorative justice
☼ Legacy of Phoenix Indian School
☼ Disparities on and off the reservations

Indigenous Rights Track: Keynote Speakers

List of 3 items.

  • NAELYN PIKE | March 1, 2022

    Passionate about her culture, identity and tribal sovereignty, Pike (Chiricahua Apache) has become an internationally renowned Indigenous rights and environmental leader. She began her advocacy journey at age 13 when she became one of the youngest people to ever testify in front of Congress. Today, she co-leads (with her grandfather Wedsler Nosie Sr. and mother Vanessa Nosie) the Apache Stronghold, a group fighting to stop a mining project that would desecrate Oak Flat, an Apache sacred site.
  • ED KABOTIE | March 3, 2022

    Ed Kabotie is a third-generation artist from the Hopi village of Shungopavi and the Tewa village of Khap’o Owinge. He is also a singer/songwriter in a reggae/rock band, Tha ‘Yoties, and a notable composer of trilingual/multi-instrumental ‘nu-native’ music. Kabotie’s work emphasizes the historic and current plight of the people and lands of the Colorado Plateau. Kabotie has seen firsthand the devastating effects of mass incarceration on the indigenous community. Much of his art, music and advocacy has been to shed light on past and present conflicts between Arizona cities and neighboring indigenous communities, in order to foster a better understanding.
  • PATTY TALAHONGVA | March 7, 2022

    Talahongva is Hopi from the Walpi Village located on First Mesa in the town of Polacca, Arizona, and was born in Denver, Colorado. She has worked for decades in television news, radio news and print. She is currently the executive producer for Indian Country Today’s television news program. She was also a former president of the Native American Journalist Association and a current board member of the Center for Native American Youth. Talahongva worked as a curator for the Heard Museum’s “Away From Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories” and is herself a graduate of the Phoenix Indian School. Her presentation will be accompanied by a traveling exhibition from the Heard Museum’s “Away From Home” collection on Brophy’s campus.