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Brophy to Transition to a Block Schedule in 2022-23

Starting in August 2022, Brophy will move to a block class schedule. The last time Brophy adjusted its schedule was in 2004. Since then, much has changed in education — both at Brophy and in general — yet the structure of the school day has remained the same. From significantly expanded academic and student activity offerings, more retreats and new immersion trips, to a technological overhaul, campus life looks different than it did almost two decades ago.
Block scheduling is not a new concept — schools have been utilizing block periods for decades and Brophy's summer school classes have long operated in a de facto block schedule. It will, however, be new for Brophy as a standard schedule. A teacher at the front of a classroom and a hardcover textbook are no longer the only sources of content; students now have access to a world of information at their fingertips and can dig deep into subjects through research and projects. Today, Brophy students have so many more opportunities than they did two decades ago, but without a corresponding increase in time allotment; thus, the dichotomy between 21st-century changes in teaching and learning and a schedule rooted in the past has become increasingly more difficult to leverage. 

For more information and frequently asked questions, visit the Block Schedule webpage.

List of 20 news stories.
