News Detail

Kino Border Initiative Serves the Marginalized on the Border

On Saturday, March 25, Brophy hosted a fundraising dinner for Kino Border Initiative, a nonprofit in Nogales, Mex. dedicated to providing food, clothing, and shelter to migrants. Over $150,000 was raised to support the work they do in restoring dignity and providing basic human services for thousands of men, women, and children every year.

Brophy’s Office of Faith and Justice sponsors several trips to KBI each year, sending students and faculty to the border to work with KBI and listen to the stories of the people on the border, and ultimately to tell those stories. These are people, sometimes raised from a young age in America, who now have been deported and separated from their children. They are impoverished and powerless, and often KBI is their only resource and safe place. Kino Border Initiative truly lives the directive of St. Ignatius that love must be shown more in deeds than in words.

Cronkite News/PBS talked to a student who has volunteered at KBI, and Pete Burr ’07, Brophy’s digital media manager, has produced a couple of videos on the work of KBI. The link to the PBS news segment, as well as Mr. Burr’s most recent video are linked below.

List of 20 news stories.
